Thursday 1 October 2015

Theory-Oh: The Online Meta and You Part.1

What is Theory-Oh? 
Theory-Oh are posts that I create to just discuss idea and concepts that can be applied to every duel. They don't focus on single decks or cards but more theories that can apply to every deck.
The Online Meta and You
Online dueling is a reflection of the internet, and therefore real life. You can get paired with a 10 year Yu-Gi-Oh vet or a 10 day anime watcher. You can face any kind of person with any kind of deck. Applying Murphy's Law to this, you will face every kind of deck from every kind of person. From Performapals to Penguins, Monarchs to Macrosworn, Yosenju to Yubel. How can you prepare for such a wide variety of decks?
1. Play top decks
Pretty straight forward. Top deck have the consistency and power to stop what your opponent is trying to do or just blow through it regardless.
2. Never main deck for a specific match-up
You will play a lot of decks online but rarely the ones you prepare for. Hurting your decks consistency to potentially shut down a specific match-up is rarely worth it. Don't run counters without them being able to further your decks own plays.
3. Always keep to date with new cards
Once cards are announced they are usually online within two weeks. That means that a new top deck can potentially be made every week. With such high turnover of decks you can afford to be out of date. New cards can also strengthen your current decks and breath new life into them.
I later posts I will go further into each of these points and give you understanding to make your own decisions. Stay Tuned.

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